C. R. Grimmer
Poet | Scholar | Teacher
C. R. Grimmer (they/them or she/her) is an Assistant Professor of Poetry at Utah State University.
As an interdisciplinary poet, public scholar, and teacher, their books include The Lyme Letters (Texas Tech University Press, Winner of the Walt McDonald First Book Award), O–(ezekiel's wife) (GASHER Journal and Press), and The Poetry Vlog: Critical Edition, forthcoming from the University of Michigan Press. They created and host teaching series such as The Poetry Vlog (TPV), have poems in journals such as Poetry Magazine, Prairie Schooner, FENCE Magazine, and [PANK], and have research in journals such as The Comparatist.
Their poetry, research, and teaching have been made possible with support from fellowships and grants, including the Harlan Hahn Disability Studies fellowship, The Simpson Center's Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Public Scholarship fellowship, the Vermont Studio Center residency fellowship, and Project for Interdisciplinary Pedagogy fellowship. They have taught in higher education for over 10 years at universities such as Portland State University, University of Washington, and Seattle University.
Public-facing C.V. selections were updated November 2023 are available below. Please email for full CV.
Ph.D., English Literature, University of Washington, Seattle
M.A., English Literature, Portland State University, Portland, OR
M.F.A., Creative Writing, Poetry, Portland State University, Portland, OR
B.A. in English Literature, Honors College, Oakland University, Rochester, MI
In-Progress Books
O. Poetry collection and media installation. In-progress.
Forthcoming Books
The Poetry Vlog: Critical Edition. Anticipated Publication Date of Fall 2023 with the University of Michigan Press, Fulcrum (OER).
Poetry Books
The Lyme Letters. Texas Tech University Press, 2021 (Print, eBook, and Audible Editions). Winner of the Walt McDonald First Book Award.
O–(ezekiel’s wife). GASHER Journal and Press, 2019 (Print Chapbook), 2020 (Audio Edition).
Forthcoming Articles
“Teaching Black Trans Poetics: Poetry and Social Media in the Classroom,” Expressive Networks: Poetry and Platform Cultures, Ed. Matthew Kilbane, Amherst College Press, (book under contract, publication date to be announced).
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
“The Poetry Vlog: YouTubing, Interviewing, & Going ‘Live’ in the Classroom,” Interdisciplinary Digital Engagement in Arts & Humanities (IDEAH), Special Issue: “Open/Social/Digital Pedagogy,” Eds. Laura Estill, Ray Siemens, and Constance Crompton, Summer 2023.
“Racial Microbiopolitics: Flint Lead Poisoning, Detroit Water Shut Offs, and The ‘Matter’ of Enfleshment,” The Comparatist, vol. 41, pp. 19-40, 2017.
“Reading Against the Absent Referent: Bare Life, Gender, and The Cow,” Pacific Coast Philology: Journal of the Pacific and Ancient Modern Language Association, vol. 48, pp. 66-87, 2016.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters
“Water Formations and Water Neutrality: Representations of Race, Gender, and Water Politics in Detroit from Only Lovers Left Alive to Lemonade,” Signs of Water: Multidisciplinary Community Perspectives on Water and Cultures. Eds. Robert Boschman et. al., University of Calgary Press, 2021. Print.
“Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene Poetics: Disability, Dispossession, and Diaspora,” Neocolonialism, Displacement, and Trauma: Engaged Criticism in Contemporary Literature, Ed. Kate Rose, Routledge Press, 2020. Print.
Poems (selections from 2016-present)
Six Selections, A Dozen Nothing, 2023.
“My Dearest Ezekiel,” Prairie Schooner, 2021.
“Psalm XXIII”, FENCE Magazine, 2020.
“Boylesque,” POETRY Magazine, 2019.
“Love Technique”, [PANK] Magazine, 2019.
“Hewn,” FIVE:2:ONE and #sideshow, 2018.
3 Poems, Transverse Journal, 2017.
“My Dearest of Selves, Tire of Thine Eyes & People in the Morning,” So to Speak: Feminist Journal of Language and Art, 2016.
2 Poems, The Deaf Poets Society, 2016.
Peer-Reviewed Book Reviews
“Cripping Global Queer, Antiracist, and Decolonial Coalitions: A Review of 'Crip Times' After 'Beauty is a Verb',” Jacket2, 5 Feb 2020. https://jacket2.org/reviews/cripping-global-queer-antiracist-and-decolonial-coalitions.
Essays (not peer-reviewed)
“On Bhanu Kapil’s Schizophrene: Disability and a Diasporic ‘Break,” Annulet: A Journal of Poetics, Eds. Alicia Wright et. al., vol. 1, 2021. https://annuletpoeticsjournal.com/C-R-Grimmer-on-Bhanu-Kapil.
“Death of the Gayborhood: Queer Aging in the Time of Gentrification,” Broadly, 20 Feb 2016. https://broadly.vice.com/en_us/article/death-of-the-gayborhood-queer-aging-in-the-time-of-gentrification
Digital Humanities Projects and Positions
Going Public: Reimagining the PhD, Podcast Series Communicaitons Manager, Monthly podcast episodes featuring faculty funded through a multi-year Andrew W. Mellon Foundation initiative at the Simpson Center for the Humanities. 12 episodes, 9 sample courses and full syllabi, 3 featured public scholarship project galleries, launched 01 Oct 2022. https://simpsoncenter.org/goingpublic.
Literature, Language, Culture: A Dialogue Series, Series Co-Createor, Editor, and Producer, Monthly YouTube and podcast episodes featuring faculty in the Department of English at University of Washington. 9 videos, 2.25k cumulative views as of 09 Sep 2021. https://english.washington.edu/literature-language-culture-dialogue-series.
The Poetry Vlog (TPV), Creator and Producer, YouTube and podcast featuring scholars, artists, and activists. 82 videos, 58.4k cumulative views as of 09 Sep 2021. https://thepoetrylvog.com/thepoetryvlog.
Public Scholarship Project Director, Department of English, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Digital Learning and Communications Consultant, Andrew W. Mellon Foundation ‘Humanities First’ Initiative, Division of Arts and Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA
Courses Taught
Utah State University, Logan, UT
4430: Advanced Poetry Writing Workshop
(Fall 2023)
3430: Poetry Writing Workshop
(Fall 2023, Spring 2024)
Seattle University, Seattle, WA
1400: Poetry as Public Scholarship in a Social Media Time
(Winter 2023, Spring 2023)
1100: Multimodal Writing: Activist Poetry and Academic Prose
(Fall 2022)
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
491: Directed Study: Community-Based Research
(Spring 2020, online; Winter 2020, hybrid; Fall 2019)
382: Special Topics in Multimodal Writing: Podcasts, Vlogging, and Community-Based Research
(Winter 2019; Fall 2018)
282: Advanced Multimodal Writing
(Winter 2020, hybrid; Spring 2020, online)
256: Multimodal Composition: “Making” and Activist Writing
(Spring 2020, online; Winter 2020, hybrid; Spring 2019; Fall 2019; Winter 2017; Fall 2016; Fall 2019)
250: Introduction to Cultural Studies: Writing Queer Theory
(Fall 2020, online)
182: Introduction to Multimodal Composition and Writing
(Summer 2018; Summer 2017; Summer; 2016)
131: Introduction to Critical Theory: Poetry, Art, Theory
(Spring 2017)
108: Writing Ready: Preparing for College Writing
(Fall 2016; Spring 2016; Winter 2016; Fall 2015; Spring 2015; Winter 2015; Fall 2014)
University of Washington, Bothell, WA
207: Introductory Poetry Workshop: Activist Poetry and Poetics
(Spring 2020, online; Winter 2019; Winter 2018; Fall 2017)
410: Advanced Poetry Workshop: Multimodal Activist Poetry and Poetics
(Winter 2020, hybrid; Fall 2019)
402: Directed Study: Multimodal Pedagogy
(Fall 2019)
398: Directed Study: Activist Poetry and Poetics
(Spring 2019; Winter 2018)
310: Intermediate Creative Writing Workshop: Activist and Multimodal Poetics
(Spring 2019; Spring 2018)
South Seattle Community College, Seattle, WA
102: Multimodal Approaches to Research Composition
(Fall 2019; hybrid)
Portland State University, Portland, OR
323: Advanced Topics in Writing as Critical Inquiry Across Modes and Genres
(Summer 2014; Spring 2014; Fall 2013)
222: Research Writing and Social Engagement
(Winter 2014)
121: Introduction to College Composition through Book to Film Adaptations
(Winter 2013)
115: Basic Writing in College Classrooms
(Spring 2013; Fall 2012)
Teaching Awards and Fellowships
Digital IDEAS: “Critical Access: Technology & Disability Justice” Fellowship
Faculty Teaching Excellence Award, University of Washington, Seattle, Department of English
Project for Interdisciplinary Pedagogy Fellow, University of Washington, Bothell, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences
Pedagogy Trainings
Digital IDEAS: “Critical Access: Technology & Disability Justice.” Intensive digital pedagogy accessibility training at University of Michigan.
2018, 2022
Digital Humanities Summer Institute: “Engaging Play/Playing to Engage: Teaching and Learning Through Creating Games in Humanities College Classrooms”; “Race, Social Justice and DH: Applied Theories and Methods”; “Digital Storytelling”; “Introduction to Digital Humanities: Digital Tools ‘Sampler’”
Expository Writing: Theory and Practice. Seminar on teaching writing and rhetoric in college settings. Taught by University of Washington Expository Writing Program Director, Candice Rai.
Teaching Writing: Theory, Practice, Workshop. Weekly microseminar on teaching open admissions college writing curriculum. Taught by Portland State University Director of Writing.
Fellowships and Grants
Intersectional Gender Studies Faculty Research Fellowship
The Vermont Studio Center’s Artist Fellowship
Jack Straw Artist Support Fellow
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation “Public Projects in the Humanities” Fellow
Finalist for ACLS Digital Extensions Grant
Reimagining the Humanities PhD Writing Retreat Fellow, The Whiteley Center
Betty T. Johnson Research Fellow, University of Washington
Grants for Artist Projects Recipient, Artist Trust Foundation (deferred)
Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) Attendance and Travel Grant, The Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington
Harlan Hahn Disability Studies Fellow, University of Washington
Research and Poetry Awards and Honors
The Walt McDonald First Book Award, Texas Tech University Press
Academy of American Poets Judge for Portland State University
Best New American Poets (nominee)
‘Audio Poem of the Day,’ The Poetry Foundation
The Levis Prize, Four Way Books, Finalist.
The Pamet River Prize, YesYes Books, Semi-Finalist
Disquiet International Literature Prize, Finalist
The Gatewood Prize, Switchback Books, Semi-Finalist
Hermione and Louis Brown Prize for Best Published Paper
The Submission Reading Series, Runner-Up
The Alice James Award, Alice James Books, Finalist
Lena-Miles Wever Todd Prize for Poetry, Pleiades Press, Semi-Finalist
KSP Firsts Prize, Kelsey Street Press, Finalist
BOAAT Book Manuscript Contest, Finalist
Graduate School Award for Excellence and Innovation, University of Washington
ASA Anne Baxter Travel Award
Diagram Chapbook Contest, Finalist
Panelist, “Fugitive Selfhood and Pleasure Sermons,” Association for Arts of the Present (ASAP) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Panel Organizer and Chair for “Cripping and Digitizing: Cripping & Digitizing: (Re)Imagining the Poetry eBook,” Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Annual Conference, Seattle, WA.
Queer (non)Reproductivity: Art as Scholarship, National Womens Studies Association (NWSA), Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“Affordances of Digital Pedagogy, Public Scholarship, and Activism In/After COVID-19,” Digital Pedagogy Institute (DPI), University of Toronto Scarborough Library (moved to remote).
“Poetry as Public Scholarship: Small Activisms with Wide Audiences,” American Studies Association (ASA), San Juan, Puerto Rico (moved to remote).
“Notes on Open Access, Audio-Video, Coalitional Pedagogy,” Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI), Special Session: “Open/Social/Digital Humanities Pedagogy, Training, and Mentorship” (moved to remote).
"Activist Poetics and Active Reading in a Time of Social Media,” Modern Language Association (MLA), Toronto, CA (moved to remote).
“Poetry and Pedagogy as Public Scholarship: Building Digital Media Coalitions,” DHSI, Victoria, BC, Canada (moved to remote).
“Danez Smith’s Don’t Call Us Dead: ‘Hypervitality’ as Antiracist Ecopoetics,” MLA, Seattle, WA (moved to remote).
Panel Organizer and Chair, “From VR to the Opera: Situating Activist Poetics Through Multimodal Collaboration,” &Now Annual Conference, Bothell, WA.
Panel Chair and Commenter, “Queer Pedagogies and Praxes,” American Studies Association (ASA) Conference, Honolulu, HI.
Panel Organizer and Chair for “Performance and Public Scholarship: Poetry, Poetics, Academia, and Activism,” ASA, Atlanta, GA.
“From Water Shut-Offs to Water Formations: Lemonade as Resistance in the Wake of Racial Slavery,” ACLA, Los Angeles, CA.
“Cellular Connections: The Queer Nightlife of Global Anti-Colonial, Anti-Racist Poetics,” American Society for Theatre Research (ASTR), San Diego, CA.
“The Microbiopolitics of Chronic Illness” American Society for Literature on the Environment (ASLE), Detroit, MI.
Panel Co-Organizer, “Making Ready: The Challenge of Engagement in Early Fall Start Courses,” Praxis Writing Conference, University of Washington, Seattle.
“Writing the (Post)Human: Rethinking Embodiment, Intelligibility, and Accessibility in Composition Courses,” Pacific and Western Disability Studies Symposium, Seattle, WA.
Panel Co-Organizer and Panelist, “Treacherous Waters: Narrative Intersections of Materiality, Identity, and Politics,” Under Western Skies, University of Calgary, BC, Canada.
Campus and Departmental
Undergraduate Education Committee (UEC) on “Power and Difference” New English Major Requirements, Department of English, University of Washington
Internship Facilitator, Department of English, Department of English, University of Washington
Guest Organizer and Facilitator, The Fresh Water Collective Graduate Research Cluster, Lightning Talk Series, The Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington
Dissertation Writing Group Co-Convener, Department of English, University of Washington
Guest Organizer and Facilitator, The Genomics Salon Graduate Research Cluster, “The Sciences and The Humanities: Histories of the Disciplines Roundtable,” The Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington
Guest Organizer and Facilitator, The Genomics Salon Graduate Research Cluster, “The ‘Science’ of Sex Difference Across the Humanities and Sciences Interdisciplinary Roundtable,” The Simpson Center for the Humanities, University of Washington
Community Service and Teaching
Guest Workshop Facilitator, The Poetry Lab, Los Angeles, CA (remote due to COVID-19)
Capstone Thesis Advisor, “Christian Pop Music in the Era of Trump,” University of Washington, Bothell, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Capstone Thesis Advisor, “Poetry Gaming and Identity,” University of Washington, Bothell, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Independent Study and Internship Advisor, “Communication, Composition, and Public Scholarship,” University of Washington, Seattle, Students from Departments of English, Communication, and Comparative History of Ideas
Pedagogy Retreat Co-Facilitator, The Project for Interdisciplinary Pedagogy, University of Washington, Bothell, Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Poetry Editor, S H I F T: A Queer Art and Literature Magazine, Seattle, WA
Interim Editor-in-Chief, The Portland Review
Assistant Professor, Poetry Writing, Utah State University, Logan, UT
Communications Manager (Public Information Specialist), Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities, UW, Seattle, WA
Part-Time Lecturer, Department of English, Seattle University, Seattle, WA
Assistant Director of Digital Pedagogy, Department of English, UW, Seattle, WA
Part-Time Lecturer, Department of English, UW, Seattle, WA
Part-Time Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences, UW, Bothell, WA
Part-Time Lecturer, Division of English, South Seattle College, Seattle, WA
Part-Time Lecturer, Department of English, Portland State University, Portland, OR
Teaching Assistant, Department of English, Portland State University, Portland, OR
Program Director & Writing Instructor, Beyond Basics, Org., Detroit, MI